Unwavering Passion
Will it be tough to make or generate money and start building residual income? Yes Damn straight it will, but if we pick something that is easy for us to do and do it daily better and better, with passion and drive, guess what YOU will get through.
Comfortable with Risk
What is your perception of risk? So now you made a decision, does it have a low risk or high risk? Well if high then with the constant effort, belief and strategy to adapt you keep an eye on the target, you will get high rewards, if low risk, ask yourself, why bother? Often as not you will be expending the same energy to get low-risk rewards as you will for high-risk rewards.
Whatever your vision is, you need to dig deep and see it through, do not allow external negativity, the weather other people or any external stimuli to affect your response to what is going on at any given time on your journey, whatever it takes, it takes, is my motto.
I felt this some days back, when without IT Contract in site, looming bills and having also started an online business as affiliate marketer , I just had to keep telling myself, I have what I need already and that I just have to align myself to experience of having a contract, and using the money to drive leads and make seeds that grow income.
This is so important, if you can’t sell yourself, then you won’t, sell anything, not your business, not your services or products, you are the unique story, tell it, it will resonate with others, then solve a problem for them. That’s my aim with the site.
This is where strategy comes in when the plan is not going, well to plan; you need to adapt and use a strategy for dealing with unforeseen, unplanned circumstances, and just keep going, not just thinking on feet, adapting and setting sails in any direction you are blown
Hard Working
In the beginning, If you are going to wear multiple hats, you will have to be hard working with any hat you choose to wear!
Expect longer hours, expect this at the start, expect when you are pushing later
Expect longer hours, expect this at the start, expect when you are pushing later
If you are all me, me, me or me, then you will fail, you need to check yourself, check your ego level, You will not be able to achieve everything on your own, and will need to ask for help, don’t let your ego destroy your chance to grow
What's the takeaway here?
The good news is that all this can be adopted as part of the person YOU want to BE, the PERSON YOU DESERVE to be, so you can LIVE LIFE YOUR WAY.SUCCESS BY ACTION “DON'T EXPLAIN YOUR PHILOSOPHY. EMBODY IT.” ― EPICTETUS
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